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Our team of Financial advisors use their years of experience and expert industry insights to construct personalised financial plans for our clients; targeted toward achieving their financial and personal objectives.


Our vision for you is the big picture - but our service ensures a high level of transparency throughout all phases of financial planning and execution. 

From initial loan enquiries to ongoing tax planning and retirement mapping - we strive to provide our clients with a holistic perspective on the long-term capability and potential of their financial assets at every stage. Our advice offers a secure and successful blueprint to allow clients to see for themselves the long-term feasibility of their investments, ensuring their ambitions come to fruition.


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Our job is to crunch the numbers, leverage our relationships and experience, and identify the mortgage or finance option that best suits you, considering your personal and financial situation. 

Looking at online investment analytics on a phone and laptop


Investing your money can be a great way to secure your financial future, but it can also be a minefield if you don't know what you're doing. 


That's where financial advice services come in. Here at Evergreen Financial Partners, we will take the time to get to know you and your goals and then make recommendations on the best way to invest your money. 


We will help you to monitor your investments and make adjustments as needed. Whether you're just starting out or you're looking to diversify your portfolio, our team of advisors can provide the guidance you need to make smart, considered and ultimately profitable investment choices.


Maximising your super to secure your financial future is critical; this is why reliable and trusted advice from a professional is essential. 


With a growing number of providers across Australia, you must understand your options to make the most of your superannuation.


 While their service provision appears relatively the same on the surface, there can be big differences in how they invest members’ money and how those investments perform. 


At Evergreen Financial Partners, we offer our clients informed and integrated solutions to ensure your superannuation is in the safest possible care. 


We will work with you to identify and tailor superannuation strategies to optimise your tax concessions and wealth accumulation goals. Any adjustments personal to your super will be navigated through direct consultation to ensure full transparency on the nature and performance of your superannuation. 


We operate with full confidence that our team’s expert knowledge and sharp focus on every aspect of superannuation and compliance will give you the confidence you need in your financial future. 

A woman's hand holding saving coins in a jar
Man in a wheelchair processing life insurance on the tablet


Personal insurances are an integral part of your financial planning - providing you and your loved ones with a financial safety net in the event of the unexpected: death, injury, illness or a significant health catastrophe - resulting in a loss of income (either partial or whole). 


Personal insurance coverage ultimately offers businesses, clients and their families peace of mind - aimed at removing the financial stress that inevitably arises from these events. 


Popular types of personal insurance include: 

  • Life Insurance (Cover): 

  • Total and Permanent Disablement Cover: 

  • Trauma (crisis) Insurance Cover:

  • Income Protection: 


Identifying and implementing the right level of personal insurance can rest on a fine balance - we each have our own set of unique requirements, varied priorities and interests. 


Here at Evergreen Financial Partners, we understand that a personal insurance package that offers adequate and relevant coverage - against a competitive premium should be the rule: and not the exception.


Our goal is to remove the discomfort that sometimes arises when we consider the possibility of unexpected losses or events, and reinforce the value of personal insurance as a critical role piece of the financial wellbeing puzzle. 


Self-Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSF) is a private super fund, usually established by an individual or family to look after their own super savings. 


The primary appeal of establishing, running and investing through a SMSF lies in the flexibility of its structure. This flexibility includes the ability to 

  • Make personal decisions regarding how and where to invest your funds

  • Retaining the full capacity to personalise and alter your investment strategy (and at any time!)

  • Leverage the potential to minimise or eliminate income and capital gains tax 


However, this increased flexibility and liberty over your Superannuation fund requires a heightened level of responsibility on the part of all trustees: this extends from making small to large-scale investment decisions and a strict abidance with National Super and Tax Laws.


Our role is solely to ensure that your SMSF is legally compliant by advising on applying the superannuation and tax laws. 


Here at Evergreen Financial Partners, our service offers you a partner in navigating the potential complexities within a SMSF - and ultimately help you achieve your desired financial goals and objectives.

Two seniors drinking coffee while on a balcony looking at the view
Hand pointing to a screen discussing tax structuring


Tax structuring is the process of arranging one’s affairs to maximise tax liability and minimise tax expenses. 


Tax payments traditionally present a significant portion of costs when running a business, so effective tax planning and structuring offers opportunities to keep tax payments as low as (feasibly) possible. 


Tax structuring is a complex and ever-changing area of financial planning, which is why it's crucial to seek out the advice of a professional when considering how to structure your finances - working towards hitting both your short and long-term financial objectives!


Here at Evergreen Financial Partners, we provide expert tax advice and guidance, taking into account your specific individual + financial circumstances and goals. 


We can help you access the most suitable financial products and services and ensure that you're getting a profitable outcome from your investments and assets. 


Our team of experienced consultants can provide you with the support network you need to make informed decisions about your finances, from implementing efficient structuring techniques to analysing ongoing or potential trading arrangements. 


Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you with your tax structuring and planning.


Everyone has a different vision of their retirement, so it is essential to have a secure plan: considerate of your lifestyle and financial objectives, needs, and risk tolerance. 


Retirement planning establishes the feasibility of retirement goals, and informs the next steps to achieve those goals. Planning processes include identifying income and cash flow sources, levelling up expenses, implementing an effective savings plan, and effectively managing your assets and any associated risks. 


Here at Evergreen Financial Partners, our goal is to provide you with clear and actionable steps within a highly personalised plan to help you turn the vision of your retirement into a reality. 

Senior citizens on holiday after retirement
A female aged care worker assisting a senior


From pensions and superannuation to retirement planning - when arranging your finances for aged care, there are many variables to consider. 


Knowing where to start in the initial stages of planning can appear the most complex - so we encourage you to seek professional, independent financial advice when considering your options as part of your aged care plan. 


Planning ahead will ensure that all of your options are visible as part of this decision-making process - allowing you the time to consider the next best steps, personal to you and your family. 


There is an abundance of information, resources and tools available - and our team at Evergreen Financial Partners are here to assist you in navigating and identifying the option that best suits your personal and financial circumstances. 

Contact us today and speak with a trusted member of our team to see how we can best assist you with your financial needs

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