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Here at Evergreen Financial Partners, we understand that mortgages have great value and can be equally as challenging. Our team of expert home loan, mortgage and financial professionals are here to become your champion, partner and greatest asset throughout this process - ensuring your needs are fully represented and met.  


On-going consultation will ensure that together we can decipher and identify the right lender and loan structure - best suited to your financial situation and requirements. 


The scope of our mortgage brokerage services extends from the traditional - to more personalised pathways and ventures: 

  • Residential loans (for owner-occupiers and investors)

  • Commercial property loans 

  • Business loans 

  • Asset loans and financing

  • Self-managed superfund loans 

  • Refinancing for your loans. 


Our end-to-end service ensures that the process remains as simplified and streamlined as possible, guaranteeing convenience and peace of mind for our clients.

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Our job is to crunch the numbers, leverage our relationships and experience, and identify the mortgage or finance option that best suits you, considering your personal and financial situation. 

A high-end home


At Evergreen Financial Partners, we understand that buying a home is a considerable investment and personal expense. The work you have put in to reach this milestone is a monumental achievement. Common questions are: where do I start? Or what steps?


We recognise that most Australians are not in a position to buy a property outright - so this is where a home loan comes in.


A home loan, also known as a mortgage, is when a set amount of money is lent to an individual to finance a property on behalf of a bank or lender. 


Home loans are classified by a number of variables - commonly by the type of interest rate applied or by the purpose of the loan itself - and we are here to help you decide what is best for you and how to maximise the opportunities at hand. 


Our approach comes with zero expectation for you to know how to negotiate slight or fixed variable rates, identify the best tax approach, or have an understanding of how to best play into your own financial needs. 


Ultimately the responsibility for these decisions is yours - but it is our job to ensure you are equipped with the knowledge to make the best decision with finances and with the future in mind. 


Whatever your purpose, we want to help facilitate this opportunity for you as efficiently and as smoothly as possible. 


Our service operates on the guarantee that you will benefit from the local market knowledge and expertise offered by your personal Evergreen Home Loan Specialist.

If you’re a business owner, the chances are you need a reliable vehicle to help facilitate and optimise your business operations. If you don’t have the necessary cash flow or savings to purchase a car outright, don’t be deterred! Car Lease Agreements are a reliable financial product, offering an alternative to committing to such a substantial business expense. 


At Evergreen Financial Partners, our team of dedicated financial experts are here to guide and support you through every step of your car lease application process. We take the time to understand the needs of you and your business to help you find a suitable lease option for your business. 


Car Leases offer undeniable benefits as a strategic financial approach. Contract terms are often flexible; fixed monthly payments offer greater financial assurance, and there are opportunities to pay ahead. There is also zero commitment to paying the residual cost of the vehicle (unless you want to at the end of your agreement!). 


As you are not legally the “owner” of the car - we encourage you to consider the potential restrictions that come with your car lease, as these are explained to you by one of our consultants. Your business objectives will entirely inform our advice. 

The inside of an electric car with a man driving


A man and a woman leaning over a desk and discussing business finance

Asset finance is a quick, easy and short-term borrowing solution for businesses wishing to purchase more significant assets for their business without disrupting their operating cash flow or committing to a long-term loan.  


Asset finance can also operate through existing business assets - as a way to secure access to a line of credit. We are here to help you understand this kind of funding facility - as it can allow businesses to unlock the capital tied up in their accounts receivables and other assets, meaning it can be used in other areas of your business. 


For purchasing assets, there are several types of financial solutions available to you. These include finance lease, operating lease, novated lease, hire purchase and chattel mortgage. 


What are the benefits?

Compared to more traditional forms of finance, the benefits of asset finance include:

  • Avoiding depreciation 

  • Eliminating unexpected expenses 

  • Freeing up capital

  • Enhancing cash flow 

  • Reducing upfront costs 


As with any loan venture or agreement - we will work to ensure you are clear on the terms and conditions of the Asset loan to avoid any nasty hidden fees or charges. 


If at any stage, you have questions, that’s great. We encourage questions; lots of them! 



A commercial loan is a debt-based funding arrangement between a business and a financial institution such as a bank. 


Commercial loans usually operate to fund large-scale capital projects or expenditures and assist in supporting the operational costs and sustaining the operational processes that a business may otherwise struggle to afford. 


A commercial loan aims to ensure that barriers such as high upfront costs and regulatory requirements do not impede businesses' capacity to access the bond and equity markets required for financing.  


There are several different commercial loans to consider, which is where our team at Evergreen Financial Partners can help - working with you to navigate, apply and manage the most suitable commercial loan. 

A happy male employee in a warehouse
Two men in hardhats reviewing plans on a construction site


Securing development finance for property projects can be complex and time-consuming. This is why it’s so important to understand your options and work with a team of trusted professionals to help simplify the process and secure the best possible outcome for you and your project's ambitions. 


Development finance is funding for the purpose of comprehensive renovations or significant new building projects. Development finance and funding projects encompass residential, commercial to mixed-use properties. However, it does not apply to smaller-scale developments such as a house “flip” or renovation (for profit). 


Here at Evergreen Financial Partners, we strive through our work to go above and beyond to add value and ensure our clients have at their disposal: 

  • Access to industry experience

  • Personalised Service 

  • Interest capitalisation

  • Timely approval process 


Business loans are becoming increasingly popular as a source of financing for small businesses. The appeal of a business loan lies in its flexibility for different purposes - whether you’re looking to expand the company internally, purchase new equipment assets or simply cover operational costs.


We encourage you to consult with one of our Evergreen financial advisors before taking out a business loan, as we can help you understand the risks and benefits associated with this type of financing. 


We recognise that for our clients, taking out a business loan is a big decision - but we are confident that by working with one of our expert advisors, we can assist you in making the best decision for you and your business.

Barista in a small business coffee shop

Contact us today and speak with a trusted member of our team to see how we can best assist you with your financial needs

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